Saturday, March 29, 2008

How does the internet shape the future of journalism

The age old method of print was the way journalism was the way to go in the past. Recently, since internet is becoming so popular, many magazines, newspapers and journals have started distributing online.
Even more so, many are blogging about various news reports and reviews about certain topics. These people are also viewed as journalists to others. This is something that should not be taken seriously because these people do not work with the guidelines that journalists are supposed to follow. The reviews and news reports will thus become skewed or people might be misinformed about the topics and news reports.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The pros and cons of political campaigns on the internet

The pros
There are many pros to campaigning on the internet.

1. It reaches far and wide.
2. It reaches many people at the same time.
3. It is a cheaper alternative to the other mass mediums.
4. The audience is able to get real time information or near to real time information.
5. It is convenient for many to get information on the web because of their busy schedules, they are able to excess the information as and when they want.
6. People are able to discuss their views on the internet and gain more information about their favorite candidate.

At this day and age, many people have acess to the internet and is a vital part of their lives. Just like how i am using the internet to blog at this very moment. This ability is a method of convenience for countless people to acess information whenever and whereever they want. As is the same with political information. Even now, in places like Alaska, the people are able to vote on the internet. This saves many people the trouble of travelling up and down just to vote for their candidate of choice. This also encourages people to vote because there is less hassle. People cannot complain that they have no time or that it is troublesome for them to go to the voting polls.

The Cons

As there are pros, there are definitely cons as well.

1. The information might not be reliable.
2. The information might be skewed.
3. It is easy for rumors to get started for the candidates.
4. People writing on the online forums might get 'flamed' for their nasty remarks.
5. It can send one candidate soaring to great heights but at the same time, could send one candidate into the valley of death.

There are so many forums on the internet these days and since so many people have acess to the internet, it is also easy to defame someone on the internet and stay anonymous. These rumors that could send candidates either way are also found on the internet. These rumors are malicious and could hurt anybody's political campaign.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

How multimedia can market new products

There are many types of media to market new products and they are newspapers, internet, tv, radio, magazines and newspapers. These are jus the main types of mediums people usually advertise on.
However, using multimedia, there are many ways to market new products. There are ways like using videos to create awareness for the products and these videos can be aired anywhere. For example, on, when you are waiting for your game to load, videos about pratically anything permited(without a doubt) is shown.
There are also the age old pop ups where u click on a website and another window pops out with an advertisement.
Other ways include banners on search engines and like on google where they have adwords and adsense.
These are simple ways that multimedia can market new products. Using these multimedia properly and on the appropriate websites where people will be concerned about your product is very crucial. Otherwise, it will be a waste of time and money.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Internet Security

Cybercrime in Singapore used to be unheard of because there were barely any televisions in the 1970s much less a computer. This has proved to change over the years and now on average, every family has a computer.
This has therefore increased the number of cybercrimes in Singapore. Over the years, people have learnt how to hack into people's accounts, track people's emails and those used to be the biggest threat until going wireless became the latest trend. This led to people riding on other people's wireless connections and using their accounts. This is because everybody lives very near each other, this is especially so in HDB flats where your neighbor is literally next door. This fact made it easy for people to ride on other people's wireless connections because there was enough proximity to tap onto their connections, especially if the connection is not password protected or if there was no firewall protecting the connection.
Recently in 2005, there was a youth who was charged of tapping onto his neighbor's wireless internet connection. He became the 1st youth to be convicted of tapping onto his neighbor's connection. In 2006, a 2nd person was charged with the same offence but this time, he created a bomb hoax on an online forum. In the same year, a 3rd person was charged with tapping onto someone else's internet connection and was charged with an 18month ban internet ban.
These offences showed that we have to careful when using our wireless networks and to sercure it!
Lastly, Richard Stiennon, a network security expert for his forecast on cyber crime in 2007 and he predicts that it will be a bleak year for cyber-security. Attackers have now developed advanced business-focus strategies, and revenue for cyber crime is set to double. Therefore, all the more we should be on the lookout for cybercrimes.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Google time!

ok googled myself. found a thousand Melissa Tans but can't find myself even though i refined the search like a zillion times, i gave up eventually. haha!
i tried searching for the word deception and wanted the pages to come out only in arabic. hahaha! duno y i did that but it was super cool! i can't read a single word of course.
seriously, there is a patent for a jumping snail. Like seriously. its supposed to be an inflatable toy?! i found that on google patents.
AND AND AND i translated this 'I just want this semester to pass quickly.' into french and it became 'Je veux juste ce semestre pour passer rapidement.' This is really really awesomely cool.
i love google, seriously.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Mircosoft Surface

This product is very very cool. Its something that is so difficult to replicate and i can't believe it exists. Its too pricey for its worth right now but i think if the price drops, its something worth considering.
The way that the computer is able to sense the pictures and files in drivers and cameras is so amazing, it is like how humans sense each others' feelings. It's as though the computer is talking to the various gadgets.
If this is something that can withstand time, eventually, using mouse and keyboards will just phase out and this will take over the normal desktops and laptops that is currently in use. i could look forward to this because it'll take away carpal tunnel syndrome altogether!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

E-Commerce and E-Business

1.10 key factors why some e-commerce succeeded (list top 10 success)

There are many reasons why E-commerce succeeded.
The top 10 reasons why it succeeded are:
1. A system that is easy to use and navigate for people that are using the system for online transactions.
2. There must also be a proper strategy for the implementation of e-commerce for the existing business.
3. A successful implementation of a marketing process.
4. A proper integration of e-commerce and the current business the company has.
5. Appropriate resources are adequately supplied to e-commerce.
6. There must also be proper leadership into doing e-commerce and the higher management of the company must be committed into pushing the company into e-commerce.
7. There should also be proper and thorough competitive analysis of the competitions of the company to ensure that they are on par with their competition.
8. There should also be sufficient financial support so that the addition of e-commerce into the company is a smooth transition.
9. The company should also offer proper customer service to the customers that are doing business or shopping online with them.
10. There should also have proper structure so that the company's website and e-commerce is properly taken care of and is up to date.

2.10 reasons why some e-commerce failed. (list top 10 failures )

1. They failed to make a proper business plan
2. The company does not emphasize enough on customer service
3. The company empasizes too much on the outlook of the company's website and neglect the user friendliness of the website.
4. The company did not successfully implement a marketing strategy.
5. The employees did not have enough disclipline to work from home and the employers did not realise what is happening.
6. There is a neglect of the company's website.
7. There was a bad transition from a normal business to e-commerce.
8. There was insufficient planning to implement the business on the internet.
9. The company failed to advertise the company properly.
10. There was insufficient competitive analysis of the company's competitors.

3.E-Marketing – how to make it a success?
The four Ps of marketing is a start on how to make it a success. On top of the 4 Ps, 2 extra Ps, Cs and Ss are added, which are, Personalization and Privacy, Customer Service and Community and Security and Site Design. These elements are added to make things applicable to the internet.
However, these are used as the basis for successful e-marketing. To really make things work, the companies need to apply the Ps, Cs and Ss to the type products or services that they are selling so that they can market their products and services through the best way possible.

4.Issues about Security, privacy and legal issues for e-business.

There are of course many such issues that companies are concerned about with regards to e-commerce. With security, privacy and legal issues, they come hand in hand so one thing will affect the others.
For example, one of the biggest concerns that companies have about security would be their confidential information about their clients and their clientele that they have online in their website.
If their security levels are too low, hackers will find it easy to hack into the companies' systems and get any information they want.
This will in turn affect the how private information stays when clients of the companies key in their information in the companies' websites.
Ultimately, this will cause clients to sue the companies if their information is used for the wrong purposes. It will also cause alot of trouble for the companies as they have to take legal action against the hackers that have hacked into their websites.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Second Life

Bascially, this form of so called 'game' is a good escape from daily life because u can be whatever you want to be and choose how you look. It is as good as an escape from reality.

However, i feel that this is just lame to me. Simply because its all fake. No matter how rich or handsome/pretty or successful you are in this game, when you revert back to reality, you are what you are.This might also cause people to get so absorbed into the game that they mix up their reality with virtual reality.

Otherwise, it is a very interesting concept to get to know people that will have the same interests as you and it is a neverending game. Like in reality, it ain't over till you're dead, so unless your avator dies in the game, it is never over. This will also keep people occupied for a longer time than regular games where you reach the final stage and that's the end of the game. Replaying it will become just boring.

It is also a good place to showcase your creativity with the avator that you have created and to show some of the art that you have done virtually. It is also a wonderful place for people who are too shy to sing infront of an audience to showoff their skills in second life where nobody can tell who you really are.

However, where there is room for creativity, there will be room for people to do funny business in second life as well. They can impersonate other peoples' avators, create pornography and most importantly fraud. As second life requires payment, personal information are needed, therefore, this will make the site susceptible to fraud and impersonation. This can allow people to take on other peoples' actual identity and steal it.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

First week of school.

The internet is a very interesting place. Like what was discussed in class, the internet has many uses, just like how i am making use of the internet to do up this blog and to hand it in to Mr Abel Choy.

The internet also proves to be much of much use to people all over the world. It is much easier for people to communicate without spending alot of money because of instant messenging and web cameras.

The internet also gives companies a chance to sort of promote themselves on the web so that people are more aware of them. It also helps students in their research for their projects and research papers.

I do hope to learn more about the internet from this course and not just the functions that it is useful for.